Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wordless Wednesday in the Garden

Lou is starting a Wordless Wednesday for gardeners. I'm not big on saying nothing, but figured I'd post one for her. I really prefer to go on ... and on ... and on. Really Wordless Wednesday is not for me. I want to tell you that these are my brassica seedlings that have been out in our beautiful sunshine for days now. My lights have been turned off since the good weather started. Maybe I'll even plant these out early. OK I promise to shut up now.


  1. I don't know where to look for your email address. So far, Mr. Linky doesn't seem to be working right for me, as it directs people to another site. Comments won't allow me to post the code here.

  2. I found your email address and sent you the code that I used on my blog.

  3. There's always just so much to say, isn't there!

  4. I think I'd be keen on wordless Wednesday...I get so hung up on grammar sometimes.

    These look awesome. In my opinion, one can never grow enough brassicas.

  5. Hey there are words, that's cheating :-) I do Wordless Wednesdays now and again. I often find I then have to answer a bunch of questions in the comments so I guess it is kind of counter productive. Brassica's look nice!

  6. Lou, I think I have the code fixed up for you.

    Ribbit, there is. The funny thing is that I'm quieter in person, but I've learned over the years to type all that I'm thinking. I often have to cut my posts down now instead of wondering what to say.

    Thomas, somedays I post and my husband tells me all the mistakes I make. I just don't catch them. I do try to read the post over to make sure I don't mess up to badly.

    Dan, I know. I cheated.

  7. You should just remake it to be your own. How about:

    "Not So Wordless Wednesday"

    You had me laughing out loud reading this post! "Hey look pictures! Wait a minute there is some words... lots of words actually - explaining how she was not supposed to use words. Oh look Daphne is just giving up entirely and explaining the pic!" LOL!

    The seedlings look great by the way. :D

  8. Loves those seedlings.
    Wordless is good me. Try think in Chinese and write in English or vice versa, that means when you read my posts think the opposite or whatever work for you. Grammar - what chu mean?

  9. kitsapFG, Yeah I couldn't help myself. I just had to say it.

    Mac, I still remember struggling to write essays in French when I was in school. I took it for six years. I would think Chinese would be harder as the roots of the languages are father apart.

  10. Well, I think that's wordless enough. In my browser the text occupies about a third of what the image occupies. Almost wordless.

    These baby seedlings look so healthy. Hopefully you'll get to plant them early and to harvest them early too.

  11. Oh I wish my brassica seedlings looked so good, but they don't. I'm giving up with brassicas altogether in the summer as they just don't work, and the winter ones are not much better. I think our weather's too extreme.
