One night I went to bed with the knowledge that we would get rain. I was looking at the radar and it was a huge orange wall headed straight for us. How could we not get rain? When I got up and checked my weather station, we hadn't gotten a drop. So I looked at the radar history and saw the storm break up just west of us. That huge orange wall turned yellow then green. Then totally disappeared. No rain for us. So I've been ignoring the forecasts and just watering when it needs it. It isn't worth waiting.

So of course it rained on Sunday, but only a quarter of an inch so I didn't feel too bad about watering. Then Monday hit. We had flooding rains. It was 2" of rain in less than an hour. Then it all cleared out and was just hot and humid. But at least it was real rain. I might water my garden, but I don't water the grass or the foundation plantings or even my landscaped fruit trees. So I still appreciate the rain. And now this week we are going to have four days of beautiful nonhumid dry sunny days and it will get to be about 80F (27C) each day. I live for weeks like this. We haven't gotten much of this kind of weather. It is just perfect for gardening.
Or sitting outside reading and eating a snack. In not too long those will be my peaches, but until then I'll be getting them at the farmers market. At least the zucchini for the muffins came from the garden.
Two inches of rain in less than an hour! That's fantasy around here lately. We did actually have a couple of brief showers over the weekend, just enough rain to congeal the dust on your car and make it look dirtier than ever. And one bolt of lightening - the last thing we need - such a great way to start a wild fire.
ReplyDeleteIt's so funny you talk about this. My dad and I refer to living here in Newton as 'living in the bubble'. For years we have watched rain storm after rain storm split over our area and reform and rain in Boston. As a gardener it is very frustrating. I also gave in and watered only to be inundated. Typical. I also covered the compost bin that morning after the big storm dissapeared so it got no water from the big storm. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteit's been interesting summer for sure - today is 74/55 in my area, and just a week ago it was 94. nuts.
ReplyDeleteI went through the exact same routine this weekend. The garden really needed to be watered. The next two days we had so much rain.
ReplyDeleteLucky you - warm and dry..that's is the perfect combination, so long as you do get that occasional shower. Unfortunately for us, it has been nothing but cool and wet for the last few days. My lettuce is loving warm weather crops, not so much. I see more yellowing on the tomatoes, which is never good.
ReplyDeleteWe haven't gotten any significant rain in a while. The storm earlier this week never made it our way. Yesterday I gave in a watered the garden. Unfortunately, the corn looks pretty stressed and it doesn't look like we'll be getting a good crop this year.
ReplyDeleteWe got a lot of rain from that storm but it's now back to being nice. But the forecast says thunderstorms the next 5 days and a soaking on Saturday just when I have to deal with PM on the squash. These storms are just scattered cells that pop up randomly and dissipate nearly as fast, so they really can't predict who actually gets the rain.