Monday, August 23, 2010

Harvest Monday - 23 August 2019

Tuesday's Harvest

More Tuesday's Harvest

Thursday's Harvest (18lbs of tomatoes)

More Thursday's Harvest

Thursday's Basil

Sunday's Harvest

More Sunday's Harvest

As you can see I had a bumper tomato crop again this week. I came within a few ounces of beating my weekly harvest record. I pulled out four of my tomato plants and picked any of the green tomatoes that had any chance at all of ripening. I didn't add them into the harvest totals. I'll weigh them if and when they turn ripe.

And I finally went over 100lbs of tomatoes for the year. And 200lbs of produce. Whoohoo! Last year's harvest was just over 70lbs of tomatoes and I have six healthy plants still left with tons of tomatoes still on them, one doing OK, and one trying to die, but I can't pull it up since it keeps putting out so many yummy tomatoes. This is surely the banner year for tomatoes in New England. I don't remember ever having such a good year. (My apologies to the west coast. I know how you feel since we went through that last year).

On the preserving front this week I've canned 26 pints of various salsas, tomato sauce, and tomato juice.

  • Beans 0.39 lbs
  • Cucurbits 5.55 lbs
  • Herbs 1.11 lbs
  • Greens 1.11 lbs
  • Pepper 1.71
  • Tomatillo 4.59 lbs
  • Tomato 34.04 lbs
  • Spent this week: $0
  • Total harvested this week 48.49 lbs
  • Total for the year 204.63 lbs
  • 2010 Tally $564.45

Harvest Monday is a day to show off your harvests, how you are saving your harvest, or how you are using your harvest. If you have a harvest you want to show off, add your name and link to Mr Linky below.


  1. You have been a busy canning girl. Not that you have any choice at this point. Enjoy your bounty!

  2. Congrats on hitting 100 & 200 this week! Granny went over 500 this week and I went over 300! This is the first year that I've weighed my harvests. It's really amazing how much produce comes out of a small home garden.

    You were a busy bee with all of your canning this week! Everything looks great!

  3. 100 and 200 lbs, wow. Congratulations! Double congrats, since you can so much of your produce. I would imagine that's twice as much work compared to if you just found a way to consume them all raw or simply cooked (without canning) - hmm, if you were the sole supplier of produce for a small village? :-)

  4. What a great tomato harvest you have had this year! It's amazing what warmer temps and sunshine will do for those plants. That has been the missing ingredient for us virtually all summer. That basil harvest looks pretty spectacular too. I have one plant left that is healthy and the other two are looking pretty sad - they don't like the cool summer we have had in the pnw anymore than the tomatoes do!

  5. Wow, things look great! Your tomatoes are inspiring. **I am not complaining** but I think we up in Maine have not had as much of the really hot weather as you have had in the Boston area. It has been wonderful, but I think the cool nights, while great for sleeping, have slowed the tomato harvest a bit and they are not a sweet as some years, but still delicious!!

    Your salsa looks great, I may need to try tomatillos next year...

  6. What an incredible harvest amount. I suppose if I were a canner I'd want that too. I satisfied with what I get since there are only two of us and I don't can.

  7. Nice harvest! Congrats on your 100 & 200 marks. This is the first year that I've weighed my produce, and I'm amazed at how much I can grow. Sort of gets me inspired to do more. I'm interested in your tomatillos. I might have to try them next year. Love the picture of your basil.

  8. Everything looks awesome Daphne! You mean it's not like this every year with tomatoes? Hahaha...hopefully we won't get a rude awakening next year.

    It looks like you've been canning like crazy as well. I can't wait to make salsa verde. I don't understand why my purple tomatilloes are taking so much longer than your green ones.

  9. A very nice harvest, looks like you have been busy to!


  10. Love the beautiful pictures of an even beautiful harvest. Gosh, that's a lot of tomatoes. Glad you're a canner! I'm very very satisfied with my tomato harvest. Always happy to use them fresh, freeze them and more importantly give away to neighbors and friends!

  11. You certainly aren't suffering from a lack of tomatoes. I love the sunny look of those pictures.

  12. Lovely harvests and congrats on 100lbs of tomatoes. I guess that if each of my plants gives me 2 lbs I may reach that mark, but we're still ripening slowly.
    Enjoy your wonderful harvests

  13. Your harvest baskets are so Full! *jealous*

  14. Wow, over 100 pounds of tomatoes, congratulations! What beauties they are. You really are way ahead of us west coasters, my total tomato harvest so far is only 46 pounds. But we're going to have a few days of real summer weather now so perhaps we'll get to catch up a bit this week.

  15. Congrats on tomato harvest totals. How many tomato plants do you grow?

  16. Congrats on your 100 & 200 harvest, the basil is so good looking.

    Wow 100 lbs of tomatoes, I never thought of them in 3 digit figures until I see yours, Thomas, and Granny's.

  17. Linking! Your harvest is AMAZING!

  18. That is an awesome harvest, with great yearly totals. And to think I was thrilled that I harvested over 10 lbs this week. Actually my harvest was over 16 lbs, mostly tomatoes. Hey, that was good for my little garden.

  19. Late as usual, but I slept in this morning! I have work to do today, neighbor found some jars for me ;-)

  20. It's my first checkin! I am so excited.

    I am totally looking forward to a bout of canning myself. Just got all my gear and just waiting for some peaches to ripen. Might go bulk purchase some figs today to get rid of the preserves itch.

  21. You got 34 lbs of tomatoes??! Holy cow, you will have sauce forever.

  22. Great harvest! I will be away form the veggie garden for two months, but when I get back I will start a new and hopefully join your Harvest Monday! What a great idea!

  23. How awesome is that harvest.....

    I just found your blog thanks to my niece. Do you have a follow button?

  24. Oh wow! Your harvest is so impressive!!!! I am so jealous of your tomatoes! Ours are not producing as well as yours.

  25. Wonderful harvest! Especially the tomatoes. This year seems to be making up for last year. I've been freezing so far, but I'll be canning next weekend as well.

    Thank you so much for hosting "Harvest Mondays." I love seeing and reading about everyone's harvests in our little blogging community.

  26. yum!!! what a gorgeous harvest! i'm loving the timing of the bounty of basil with the tomatoes. couldn't ask for a more perfect pairing.

    cheers to a wonderful week!

  27. The Mom, thanks

    Robin, I'm always amazed how much comes out of a small space. Last year I kept at just about a quarter of Granny's harvest. I'm doing a bit better this year because of the weather.

    thyme, lol I'm not sure I want the job of sole supplier to a village. I do love the garden, but it is enough work to provide most of my own veggies, with lots of tomatoes for my next door neighbor.

    Laura, I felt that way last year. I couldn't believe the June we had. We had highs in the 50s and 60s mostly with lots of rain and drizzle. Ick. I confess our summer so far, I haven't been in love with either. I really like summers in between. I don't think I've ever watered the garden as much as I have this summer.

    Ali, I could have done without all the 90 degree humid days. 80s would have been enough for my tomatoes.

    Marcia, if I didn't can I'd probably have two cherry tomatoes and two larger tomatoes. One early, one late. And that would probably give me too much.

    Dirt Lover, tomatillos are really easy to grow, but they really only go into cooked food. I don't know anyone that eats them fresh. I don't even like the smell of them fresh. But I love them cooked down.

    Thomas, lol no not every year. I hope we get a normal year next year. With enough rain and enough sunshine. Not too hot, not too cold. I don't think those happen all that much though. Recently we seem to swing to one side or the other.

    Sense of Home, thanks

    EG, thanks

  28. RandomGardener, I don't know what I'd do with them all if I didn't can. I guess I'd give them to one of the food banks around here. Most don't take fresh produce, but I'm sure I could find one.

    Ottawa Gardener, the sunny ones are taken early in the morning. If I pick them when the sun shines through my backyard window I put the basket on the floor and take its photo there. It is much nicer than the countertop where it is darker.

    Emily, all I need is 20 more pounds and I'll get 10 pounds per plant on average. Last year it was closer to six.

    Shawn Ann, thanks

    michelle, well right now we got your weather. We are stuck in the 60s yesterday and today and maybe tomorrow too. It is nice to get rain and cooler weather for a change.

    vrtlarica, I have 12 tomato plants. Or had. I pulled four of them this last weekend. But the harvest was from 12. 3 cherries, two beefsteak, three chinese heirlooms that were supposed to be all around tomatoes and weren't, and four paste tomatoes.

    Mac, well if you aren't a canner, than it would just be silly to plant so many. But if you do can, and are like me and eat a lot of salsa and tomato sauce, three digits is a good thing.

    Barbie, thanks

  29. Lou, There is a big difference between gardens too. Granny always has so much more than I do, but then again I've got a smaller space (and usually worse weather, but this year she might be the worse one off in that department).

    Granny, I wish I had neighbors like that. I could use some gifted jars. I bought some yesterday and will buy more today. I ride the bus so only want to carry one pack at a time.

    Carol, well welcome to your first. I keep thinking about buying peaches from the farmers market to can. I love peaches. But then I remember how many tomatoes are still on the counter and decide not to. I'd love to make some fig spread. I Haven't seen any at the market. Only a couple varieties can survive up here. Maybe I'll plant one next year.

    Cheryl, thanks.

    Kyle, lol no it doesn't make that much sauce. It all boils down. Right now I have nine pints of tomato sauce and 12 pints of Annie's salsa made from my tomatoes. I think some more are in order. At least for sauce. I might have enough salsa.

    Susan, thanks, but the idea wasn't actually mine. The Ottawa Gardener started it a while back and then stopped. So I decided if I wanted it to happen I'd have to do it myself.

    mamaraby, thanks

    Tricia, hmm no? If you have a Blogger account and are signed in you can follow by pressing the follow option in the top bar menu. If you use a reader you can copy the URL into your reader to add it. I ought to put up an RSS feed button. I used to have one and then Feedburner was being flaky so removed it.

    meemsnyc, thanks

    GrafixMuse, I love seeing all the harvests too. Sometimes I don't get to see them all until Wednesday or so, but I get there.

    a tasteful garden, it is. But that basil all went to my townhouse mates. They wanted to make more pesto and I have plenty in my freezer already. I did keep a few sprigs though so I could eat the basil fresh. The pasta salad I used it in was wonderful.

  30. That's FANTASTIC. You go, girl. I tend to lean on the bees for poundage : ) but I wish the tomatoes had come through.

  31. Wanted to thank you for the tip on the Yokatta-na. Love it! Will plant again next year. Thanks!
