Monday, February 4, 2013

Harvest Monday, February 4th, 2013

I had no harvests this last week. We got snow. We got rain. We got a wind storm. We got a day that went up to 61F (almost a record). We got a low of 13F. So it was a wild weather week. But sadly no harvests. January once again has been warmer than normal. Or at least the lows haven't been as low. We went to 3.2F for a low. I'm supposedly in zone 6b. My lowest low should be between 0F and -5F. Not so far. But it is still early February.

For those of us in the US we spent yesterday evening watching football. (The American version, not what we call soccer. And why did it get named football anyway? The most common time the ball comes in contact with the a foot is when a team has to give the ball to the other team. Why did someone name it after the team's failure? Personally I'd name it yardball after the two most used words in the game.) It was Superbowl Sunday. It is always a good excuse for a party so we spent the day with friends. Half the people watched the game (or the commercials depending upon their preference). The other half played Cards Against Humanity to pass the time and to give us opportunities to snort beer up our noses. Really never drink beer when you play this game. It is a bad idea.

But I digress. Parties are always about food and I have a pantry filled with squash still. The squash are keeping very well. I've found that butternuts can keep easily into the spring if not longer. So that morning I baked up three squash. Some got pureed and frozen (above photo). Some got pureed and put into a squash casserole (only photographed by my husband's iTouch but never sent to me so I couldn't use it).

And some got cubed and put into a squash and bean salad. Squash, beans, and red onions were all from the garden. Sadly not the apple. but maybe this year we will get our first apples.

Much of the food at the party was theme based. We had crabcakes and sourdough bread. The fried chicken was made with Old Bay Seasoning. And beer was brought from the appropriate cities. One person made mincemeat pie (in honor of those that didn't make it to the Superbowl). I ate a slice in honor of the Patriots.

And totally off topic, don't you wish you had this library in your town?

Harvest Monday is a day to show off your harvests, how you are saving your harvest, or how you are using your harvest. If you have a harvest you want to show off, add your name and link to Mr Linky below.


  1. Cards Against Humanity? I'll have to look that up. Cool seed program! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your squash and bean salad looks wonderful. Great idea of a seed bank at the library.

  3. The squash and bean salad looks great--butternut always does well in m,y garden and I'm always looking for new fun recipes. Thanks for hosting Harvest Mondays...gonna hop over to my blog and post!

  4. Our squash and pumpkins are holding up very well this year too. We watched the Super Bowl but was feeling the need for that mincemeat pie - as it would have been so much more appealing if our Seahawks had been playing.

  5. I still have a butternut from the 2011 harvest - it's been stored in the basement for 1 1/2 years now. I can't decide whether to cook it to see if it has any flavor left, or continue to store it just to see how long it keeps.

  6. Enjoy your 2012 harvest. What a wild weather week!

  7. Clearly, I need to expand my squash-cooking universe.

  8. Ooh...that squash and bean salad looks delicious!

  9. Beautiful colour on your squash puree! Our Australian footy fest is the final of the Australian Football League in late September. Its a meat pie (preferrably home made) and beer sort of afternoon.

  10. A touchdown never has to touch the endzone, just cross the plane, so the ball never has to be "touched down". No matter the weather, crab cakes and sourdough bread sounds really good.

  11. Our butternut squash did terrible last year - I think we pulled only one that was edible! Congrats on yours...

  12. That's crazy, what a temp shift! We have been pretty warm for the last 2 weeks, high 70's.

  13. Seems the wild weather is all over the globe ! parts of Australia are in flood while other parts are experiencing bush fires. We saw the ads for the superbowl but no footy ! Liked the Taco Bill one.....a bit different !

  14. That puree looks yummy! Thanks for hosting Harvest Monday!

  15. Just googled Cards against Humanity sounds like a lot of fun! Beer in the sinuses however I'm not crazy about....

  16. Not in your town, but near:

    1. Thanks for the link. I had no clue there was one starting up in Mass.

  17. Ah yes- winter squash is the gift that keeps on giving! (=

  18. i wonder how the over-due fees go up on the seed library if you fail to harvest seeds to return them.

  19. Heehee, Cards Against Humanity is not a game for the faint of heart. Must've been a wild party. I will have to see if the Portland area has a seed bank library, and maybe mention it at my local library too.
