Monday, April 13, 2015

Harvest Monday, 13 April 2015

Whoohoo! The first harvest of the year. Though it wasn't from an in ground plant. It came from my window boxes just before I planted them in the ground.


It really wasn't much of a harvest at 2 ounces, but it was something. I could have made a single salad, but instead I used to to garnish quite a handful of meals.


I'm not sure if I'll get a harvest this coming week. The plants probably need to get their roots spread out since they are newly planted. But the weather is very nice so I might be proven wrong.

I'm still eating from my stores too. They are starting to get low, but not gone yet.

Harvest Monday is a day to show off your harvests, how you are saving your harvest, or how you are using your harvest. If you have a harvest you want to show off, add your name and link to Mr Linky below.


  1. First harvest, how exciting, bet those were the tastiest lunch and dinner.

  2. Yay for the first harvest of the year!

  3. I think we may be struggling for fresh harvests now for a week or so, although there is always rhubarb

  4. It's always nice to have something fresh on the plate!

  5. Hurray! Those greens look lovely and I'm sure they tasted even better!

  6. Wow, is see from your weather widget that it really is nice! Hurrah for the first harvest, I'm sure it tasted so good.

  7. That first harvest, no matter how small, is always something special. I think it was wise to spread it over several meals in order to maximise the enjoyment!

  8. Considering how much snow has had to melt just to see the garden you are doing quite well. Here's to warmer weather!

  9. Yippeee for first harvests!!!! I'm sure that little bit went a long way in the feel good department!

  10. Congrats for the first harvest, the greens look lovely and tasty too.

  11. Yay, you've done amazingly, especially with the weather condiditons. Much planning is required!

  12. The greens look awful! Is that asparagus what you had frozen? Nancy

  13. Lovely! Nothing like the first taste of fresh greens :)

  14. Congratulations on your first harvest! I hope they were extra delicious because of their being your first harvest of the year. I've only so far harvested the carrots that overwintered, and they were very yummy!
