Sunday, June 28, 2015

Garden in the Rain

We so needed this rain. I should have watered on Friday, but I didn't. I only spot watered things like the lettuce and newly seeded plants. It hasn't been too hot and I was hoping to wait for the rain to come. Summer is hard because sometimes the predicted rain never comes.


This time they were right. So far we have had 1.4" of rain so everything is very happy.

The peas will have to wait to be picked. But they sure do look pretty with all the rain drops.

Prairie Splendor coneflower

The front perennial garden is in its first year and I'm getting a glimpse of some of its first flowers in the rain.

The gaillardia that I grew from seed is slowly getting longer petals. Not all of them are as spectacular as the one above. I like the color gradations on it. Another has opened that is more subdued - at least comparatively. I didn't expect these to be quite so vivid orange. The name Arizona Apricot seemed to me to imply a more subdued apricot orange. I would name this Arizona Sunburst. Sadly the kniphofia Red Hot Popsicle which I expected to be vibrant, is just a burnt orange red. It is always interesting picking plants from a catalog and not from real life.


  1. I agree with you about the difficulties of choosing plants / seeds from a catalogue. Colour-reproduction on websites and printed catalogues is often far from accurate, and names are not a good guide either.

  2. No rain here so lots of watering which isn't really the same.

  3. We have had a torrent in the last day or so. I didn't realize how bad the wind had been as we were out until very late last night - a 10' piece of eavestrough got ripped off and was lying on our front walkway this morning!
