Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I keep taking photos of my food, but never post them. So I figured I'd post just one day - Sunday.

Breakfast was pretty typical for the last week or so. I'm getting a few strawberries from the garden. I pick them before breakfast. If I'm late to eat the berries are sun warmed. Notice the first of the alpine strawberries was eaten on Sunday. The bread is zucchini bread. I made and froze a whole bunch but I'm getting to the last. I had to use up the last of last year's zucchini before I started freezing this year's. Now that I'm getting some nice veggies, my eggs are scrambled with onions, chili peppers, zucchini, and tomatoes. It rivals the spring eggs, where I mixed in spinach.

After breakfast I made up two jars of pickle juice for refrigerator pickles. I usually keep it in the fridge so whenever there are too many cukes, I can just toss them in. Well on Monday one jar was already filled.

Lunches are sometimes cooked but it has been so hot recently I don't feel a lot like cooking. So it was just some raw veggies and a cucumber salad.

Now on Sunday my husband left for London and Paris for the week. When he leaves for long business trips I tend to spoil myself one day. To me this is going down the Franchesca's and getting a slice of their pizza and a cannoli. They make the best cannolis. Oh so good. So I walked down and sadly they weren't opened. They don't open on Sundays. Sigh.

So instead I decided to spoil myself at home. I made nachos and a mojito for dinner. Yum.


  1. Yum everything looks great! Especially that mojito!

  2. It still amazes me that you can go outside and steps away is a bountiful garden where you can create delicious and nutritious food!

  3. Those carrots have an amazing color! Everything looks delicious:)

  4. I'm so hungry. I should not have read your post.

  5. All of your food looks so delicious, Daphne! I had a light lunch, and now you are making me hungry again.

    Those strawberries look so big and juicy. I really want some of those nachos with jalapenos and few sips of the mojito!

  6. I think I should stop blog crawling and search for breakfast. You made me hungry. Tummy growling.

  7. Can I come eat at your house.:) I just read your harvest post too...pretty amazing.

  8. What time will you be picking me up from the airport? Should I pack for hot weather?

  9. I love seeing your garden harvest meals. I enjoyed some new summer squash and zucchini pasta thingie for lunch today. It was awesome!

  10. I love that you not only grow so many veggies, but that you eat them raw too! I wish I could eat raw veggies - they're really healthy that way and a lot less work in the kitchen :)

  11. Dinner looks great - not what you set out for but great none the less! Mojito looks pretty appealing too! :D

  12. Allison, thanks

    Shelias, I love it. I had already harvested what needed to be picked, but then remembered I was making quiche for lunch. So out to the garden for some bunching onions and chard. Oh yum.

    Charm, Thanks

    Jody, lol I feel that way when I see others posts on food. Luckily I just ate breakfast so I'm all set too look.

    Sherry, My lunch was pretty light too, so I was starving by the time I hit dinner. Nachos were perfect.

    Diana, lol you should eat before you read blogs.

    Mr. H, lol well quiche is set for 12:30. You can join my other lunch guests today.

    Granny, Yes you should pack for very hot weather. Yesterday I was supposed to be our cool day and it hit 90F. I'm having quiche for lunch. In it will be Swiss chard, bunching onions, and leftover ham from dinner at my townhouse mates. I might even put a tomato on to top it. And dinner is stirfry with choy sum, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, carrots and onions. Dress is casual. I've got the guest room all made up.

    GrafixMuse, I keep meaning to try zucchini parmesean some day.

    RandomGardener, I love raw veggies, though I eat them both ways. I loved raw. I love cooked. And yes raw is a lot less work and a lot cooler in the summer.

    Laura, the mojito was quite good. I wish I still had my really good rum in the house though. I had some that was aged 8 years and oh it was nice.

  13. Your garden is a treasure! Mine is quite a bit behind yours, but starting to get there. ;) We've eaten lettuce, summer squash, plenty of herbs, and peas, and the tomatoes are almost ready to pick. But yours makes my mouth water!

  14. Good-looking food Daphne! They say we eat with our eyes before we eat with our mouths... So true.

  15. Refridgerator pickles? Now you've sent me googling. You've got to include all your great recipes for us beginners! :) I am going to learn how to blanch and freeze my chard this weekend after reading one of your posts. :)

  16. i love all the meals you are eating with produce from the garden. How awesome.

  17. your breakfast from your garden is sooooo lovely!
